Another way I differentiate my classroom is through centers. I love centers because I can really teach to each students needs. I also am a huge fan of the daily five. For my reading centers I incorporate the daily five into the centers. But read-to-self time, partner reading, and writing are pulled out of centers because I want everyone doing that at the same time. Back to the centers! Here is how my reading centers are set up 1) A center to work with me 2) A center to work on something individually for an assessment 3) Task card center 4) Word Work 5) Listen to a story/Technology Within each of these five stations I am able to differentiate activities and instruction and I do it by color-coding EVERYTHING. Literally…everything ha! It helps me stay organized, which again helps me keep my sanity. Here is how I organize and have each station set up. Rotation #1 When students come to ...
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